ipsvirus 发表于 2015-12-5 12:47:23



如今,宾夕法尼亚大学佩雷尔曼医学院的研究者们让我们深入了解了其中的奥妙。Abramson癌症研究中心肿瘤病毒学的主任Erle S. Robertson博士及他的同事们于本周在mBio杂志上发表了一篇研究,EBV以及相关的病毒(KSHV)可以感染人的初级神经元,并且能在里面进行复制。
Robertson还表示,γ-疱疹病毒感染神经细胞的能力众说纷纭。Devan Mehta,Robertson实验室的学生,他同Hem C.Jha博士、Dennis Kolson博士一起验证了其中的关联。利用能表达绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)的转基因病毒,Mehta感染了人类神经母细胞瘤细胞(从癌细胞中分离出的神经细胞)以及胎儿神经细胞,通过显微镜观察蛋白表达监测感染情况。

ipsvirus 发表于 2015-12-5 12:50:57

Gammaherpesvirus Infection of Human Neuronal Cells

Hem Chandra Jha, Devan Mehta, Jie Lua, Darine El-Naccache, Sanket K. Shukla, Colleen Kovacsics, Dennis Kolson, Erle S. Robertson

Gammaherpesviruses human herpesvirus 4 (HHV4) and HHV8 are two prominent members of the herpesvirus family associated with a number of human cancers. HHV4, also known as Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), a ubiquitous gammaherpesvirus prevalent in 90 to 95% of the human population, is clinically associated with various neurological diseases such as primary central nervous system lymphoma, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease, cerebellar ataxia, and encephalitis. However, the possibility that EBV and Kaposi’s sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) can directly infect neurons has been largely overlooked. This study has, for the first time, characterized EBV infection in neural cell backgrounds by using the Sh-Sy5y neuroblastoma cell line, teratocarcinoma Ntera2 neurons, and primary human fetal neurons. Furthermore, we also demonstrated KSHV infection of neural Sh-Sy5y cells. These neuronal cells were infected with green fluorescent protein-expressing recombinant EBV or KSHV. Microscopy, genetic analysis, immunofluorescence, and Western blot analyses for specific viral antigens supported and validated the infection of these cells by EBV and KSHV and showed that the infection was efficient and productive. Progeny virus produced from infected neuronal cells efficiently infected fresh neuronal cells, as well as peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Furthermore, acyclovir was effective at inhibiting the production of virus from neuronal cells similar to lymphoblastoid cell lines; this suggests active lytic replication in infected neurons in vitro. These studies represent a potentially new in vitro model of EBV- and KSHV-associated neuronal disease development and pathogenesis.

To date, no in vitro study has demonstrated gammaherpesvirus infection of neuronal cells. Moreover, worldwide clinical findings have linked EBV to neuronal pathologies, including multiple sclerosis, primary central nervous system lymphoma, and Alzheimer’s disease. In this study, for the first time, we have successfully demonstrated the in vitro infection of Sh-Sy5y and Ntera2 cells, as well as human primary neurons. We have also determined that the infection is predominately lytic. Additionally, we also report infection of neuronal cells by KSHV in vitro similar to that by EBV. These findings may open new avenues of consideration related to neuronal pathologies and infection with these viruses. Furthermore, their contribution to chronic infection linked to neuronal disease will provide new clues to potential new therapies.

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