Nature communication:HBV病毒竟能“训练”胎儿免疫应答?!
2015年3月27日讯 /生物谷BIOON/ --由于与成人的免疫系统在功能上存在很大不同,新生儿的免疫系统更容易受到严重的感染损伤。乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)感染是一个很严重的全球性健康问题,能够引起肝脏炎症以及癌症发生。新生儿是HBV慢性感染的一个大的受害群体,HBV能够劫持未成熟的新生儿免疫系统,并通过诱导宿主产生免疫耐受建立持续的慢性感染状态。而来自新加坡的研究人员近日在国际学术期刊nature communication在线发文指出,与上述观点不同,他们发现在出生前接触HBV病毒能够诱导胎儿建立一种"被训练"的免疫状态,这种"训练"能够促进胎儿固有免疫细胞成熟以及Th1细胞的发育,这一过程会进一步增强脐带血中免疫细胞应答细菌感染的能力。研究人员发现这些"训练"效应与细胞因子环境改变有关,主要存在IL-10水平较低,同时在多数情况下还伴随高水平的IL-12p40和IFN-α2等情况。
Trained immunity in newborn infants of HBV-infected mothers
Michelle Hong, Elena Sandalova,Diana Low,Adam J. Gehring,Stefania Fieni,Barbara Amadei,Simonetta Urbani,Yap-Seng Chong,Ernesto Guccione& Antonio Bertoletti
The newborn immune system is characterized by an impaired Th1-associated immune response. Hepatitis B virus (HBV) transmitted from infected mothers to newborns is thought to exploit the newborns' immune system immaturity by inducing a state of immune tolerance that facilitates HBV persistence. Contrary to this hypothesis, we demonstrate here that HBV exposure in utero triggers a state of trained immunity, characterized by innate immune cell maturation and Th1 development, which in turn enhances the ability of cord blood immune cells to respond to bacterial infection in vitro. These training effects are associated with an alteration of the cytokine environment characterized by low IL-10 and, in most cases, high IL-12p40 and IFN-α2. Our data uncover a potentially symbiotic relationship between HBV and its natural host, and highlight the plasticity of the fetal immune system following viral exposure in utero.