Biodog 发表于 2016-5-22 20:51:33


在一项新的研究中,来自美国耶鲁大学医学院的研究人员解决了免疫系统的一个谜团---抗体如何进入神经系统控制病毒感染。他们的发现可能对预防和治疗一系列疾病---包括与寨卡病毒相关联的格林-巴利综合征(Guillain-Barre Syndrome)---产生影响。相关研究结果于2016年5月18日在线发表在Nature期刊上,论文标题为“Access of protective antiviral antibody to neuronal tissues requires CD4 T-cell help”。

在一项新的研究中,耶鲁大学医学院免疫学家Akiko Iwasaki博士和Norifumi Iijima博士利用模式小鼠研究抗体如何能够进入神经组织来控制感染。

在被HSV感染的小鼠体内,研究人员观察到CD4 T细胞的一种之前并未认识到的作用,其中CD4 T细胞是一种通过发送信号激活免疫反应来抵抗感染的白细胞。作为对HSV感染作出的反应,CD4 T细胞进入神经组织,分泌信号蛋白,并允许抗体进入感染部位。归纳在一起就是,CD4 T细胞和抗体限制病毒扩散。

Iwasaki说,“这是免疫系统的一个非常巧妙的设计,这一设计允许抗体进入感染部位。CD4 T细胞只进入存在病毒的部位。它是一种抗体靶向运送系统。”

这项发现的影响是多方面的。Iwasaki注意到,若没有CD4 T细胞,正在开发的治疗疱疹等疾病的基于抗体的疗法可能并不足以控制病毒感染。相反地,对格林-巴利综合征等抗体介导的自身免疫疾病而言,她说,“阻断CD4 T细胞进入神经组织可能是有益的。”
Access of protective antiviral antibody to neuronal tissues requires CD4 T-cell help
Circulating antibodies can access most tissues to mediate surveillance and elimination of invading pathogens. Immunoprivileged tissues such as the brain and the peripheral nervous system are shielded from plasma proteins by the blood–brain barrier1 and blood–nerve barrier2, respectively. Yet, circulating antibodies must somehow gain access to these tissues to mediate their antimicrobial functions. Here we examine the mechanism by which antibodies gain access to neuronal tissues to control infection. Using a mouse model of genital herpes infection, we demonstrate that both antibodies and CD4 T cells are required to protect the host after immunization at a distal site. We show that memory CD4 T cells migrate to the dorsal root ganglia and spinal cord in response to infection with herpes simplex virus type 2. Once inside these neuronal tissues, CD4 T cells secrete interferon-γ and mediate local increase in vascular permeability, enabling antibody access for viral control. A similar requirement for CD4 T cells for antibody access to the brain is observed after intranasal challenge with vesicular stomatitis virus. Our results reveal a previously unappreciated role of CD4 T cells in mobilizing antibodies to the peripheral sites of infection where they help to limit viral spread.

郑关民 发表于 2016-5-22 22:47:00

这里说的CD4 T细胞是神经胶质细胞吗?
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查看完整版本: Nature:揭示抗体进入神经系统控制病毒感染机制