zszhao 发表于 2016-6-10 23:18:35


本帖最后由 zszhao 于 2016-6-10 23:20 编辑


余宏杰课题组曾于2015年6月在Clinical Infectious Diseases(IF 8.9)发表论文,系统收集相关数据并研究了人感染H5N1禽流感和H7N9禽流感的散发病例和聚集性病例的流行病学特征差异(论文链接:http://cid.oxfordjournals.org/content/61/4/563)。在此基础上,其课题组进一步系统整理了1997年5月至2015年4月全球907例人感染H5N1禽流感病例个案及其可能暴露因素的数据,围绕全球人感染H5N1高致病性禽流感个案及其流行病学特点开展了系统研究。

研究发现,人禽流感H5N1疫情主要发生在东亚、东南亚和北非国家,并在2003年至2008年期间逐渐从东亚扩散到东南亚、西亚和非洲。全球人禽流感H5N1总病死率为53.5%(483/903),但各地区有所差异。从全球范围看,多数病例(67.2%)发生在12月至次年3月期间,而且2015年报告了最多的病例(图1)。病例的年龄中位数为19岁, 80%病例在35岁以下,但埃及死亡病例的年龄中位数(30岁,四分位数间距为20-36岁)高于东亚和东南亚死亡病例(19岁,四分位数间距为9-30岁)(图2)。结果表明,人感染H5N1禽流感病毒clade 1, 2.1和2.3的病死率高于clade 0和2.2。尽管2014年11月至2015年4月期间埃及的人禽流感H5N1疫情有所上升,但与2014年11月之前相比,患者病死率、禽类暴露史、发病至住院的时间等没有显著性差异。


图1. 人感染H5N1禽流感疫情全球分布图(饼图中,红色代表死亡病例数,蓝色代表非死亡病例数,绿色代表不详;数字代表死亡/非死亡/不详病例数)

图2. 人感染H5N1禽流感疫情流行曲线(A-全球,B-东亚和东南亚,C-北非)

图3. 不同地区、性别和结局的人感染H5N1禽流感病例年龄分布

此研究得到国家自然科学基金委员会国家杰出青年科学基金项目(81525023)的资助。研究结果以“Global epidemiology of avian influenza A H5N1 virus infection in humans, 1997–2015: a systematic review of individual case data” 为题发表在国际著名医学期刊Lancet Infectious Diseases (IF 22.4),余宏杰是该论文的通讯作者。(论文链接:http://www.thelancet.com/pdfs/journals/laninf/PIIS1473-3099(16)00153-5.pdf)。

Global epidemiology of avian influenza A H5N1 virus infection in humans, 1997–2015: a systematic review of individual case data

【Summary】Avian infl uenza A H5N1 viruses have caused many, typically severe, human infections since the fi rst human case was reported in 1997. However, no comprehensive epidemiological analysis of global human cases of H5N1 from 1997 to 2015 exists. Moreover, few studies have examined in detail the changing epidemiology of human H5N1 cases in Egypt, especially given the outbreaks since November, 2014, which have the highest number of cases ever reported worldwide in a similar period. Data on individual patients were collated from diff erent sources using a systematic approach to describe the global epidemiology of 907 human H5N1 cases between May, 1997, and April, 2015. The number of aff ected countries rose between 2003 and 2008, with expansion from east and southeast Asia, then to west Asia and Africa. Most cases (67·2%) occurred from December to March, and the overall case-fatality risk was 483 (53·5%) of 903 cases which varied across geographical regions. Although the incidence in Egypt has increased dramatically since November, 2014, compared with the cases beforehand, there were no signifi cant diff erences in the fatality risk, history of exposure to poultry, history of patient contact, and time from onset to hospital admission in the recent cases.

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查看完整版本: CDC余宏杰课题组在揭示全球人感染禽流感H5N1流行病学特征