wwwkkk83 发表于 2015-1-31 16:55:37


书名:Ebola: The Natural and Human History of a Deadly Virus
书籍介绍: http://book.douban.com/subject/26256446/
作者: David Quammen
出版社: W. W. Norton & Company
副标题: The Natural and Human History of a Deadly Virus
出版年: 2014-10-20
页数: 128

内容简介· · · · · ·
“A frightening and fascinating masterpiece of science reporting that reads like a detective story.” —Walter Isaacson

In 1976 a deadly virus emerged from the Congo forest. As swiftly as it came, it disappeared, leaving no trace. Over the four decades since, Ebola has emerged sporadically, each time to devastating effect. It can kill up to 90 percent of its victims. In between these outbreaks, it is untraceable, hiding deep in the jungle. The search is on to find Ebola’s elusive host animal. And until we find it, Ebola will continue to strike. Acclaimed science writer and explorer David Quammen first came near the virus while he was traveling in the jungles of Gabon, accompanied by local men whose village had been devastated by a recent outbreak. Here he tells the story of Ebola—its past, present, and its unknowable future.

Extracted from Spillover by David Quammen, updated and with additional material.

作者简介· · · · · ·
David Quammen is the author of The Song of the Dodo, among other books. He has been honored by the American Academy of Arts and Letters and is the recipient of a John Burroughs Medal and the National Magazine Award. He lives in Bozeman, Montana.

附件 电子书格式:epub

序道 发表于 2015-1-31 18:53:43

不错 最近正找着看呢

wwwkkk83 发表于 2015-1-31 20:26:41

转自: http://biosky.haotui.com/thread-42156-1-1.html作者:黑山小妖

Ebola: The Natural and Human History of a Deadly Virus


“A frightening and fascinating masterpiece of science reporting that reads like a detective story.” —Walter Isaacson

In 1976 a deadly virus emerged from the Congo forest. As swiftly as it came, it disappeared, leaving no trace. Over the four decades since, Ebola has emerged sporadically, each time to devastating effect. It can kill up to 90 percent of its victims. In between these outbreaks, it is untraceable, hiding deep in the jungle. The search is on to find Ebola’s elusive host animal. And until we find it, Ebola will continue to strike. Acclaimed science writer and explorer David Quammen first came near the virus while he was traveling in the jungles of Gabon, accompanied by local men whose village had been devastated by a recent outbreak. Here he tells the story of Ebola—its past, present, and its unknowable future.

Extracted from Spillover by David Quammen, updated and with additional material.

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