wwwkkk83 发表于 2016-8-5 09:10:33

女性乳腺组织中存在菌群 可能与乳腺癌发生有关

最近美国梅奥诊所的研究人员发现在无菌状态下收集的乳腺组织中有细菌存在,并且健康女性和乳腺癌患者乳腺组织中的细菌存在显著差异。相关研究结果发表在国际学术期刊Scientific Reports上。“我们发现即使是在没有任何感染迹象的情况下,在手术室无菌条件下收集的乳腺组织样本中也包含细菌DNA。我们进一步发现健康女性和乳腺癌病人的乳腺组织微生物组存在显著差异。”梅奥诊所的肿瘤学家Tina Hieken这样说道。“我们的工作证实了乳腺组织微生物组的存在,并且与乳房皮肤的微生物组不同。”根据美国国家癌症研究所给出的定义,一个微生物组是指居住在人体特定环境中所有微生物有机体和病毒的总和。Dr. Hieken说,在全球乳腺癌占所有癌症病例的几乎四分之一,是导致女性癌症死亡的头号杀手。虽然目前已经找到许多促进乳腺癌发生的风险因素,但是至少70%的乳腺癌病例发生在一般风险女性身上,而目前的预测模型在发现每个女性的乳腺癌风险因素方面仍不理想。“微生物组的差异与身体多个部位的癌症发生有关,其中包括胃,结肠,肝,肺和皮肤。”梅奥诊所另外一位研究人员Amy Degnim这样说道。“许多证据表明乳腺组织微生物组的变化可能与癌症发生和癌症的侵袭性有关,清除危险的微生物,重建正常的微生物群体可能会逆转这一过程。”梅奥诊所的一位微生物组研究人员补充道。Dr. Hieken表示她们目前仍然不清楚乳腺组织微生物组中发生的一些变化是否会促进癌症发展。但是这项研究将推动科学家们对促进乳腺癌发生的潜在病因的进一步探索,也将有助于开发基于微生物的预防措施。(生物谷Bioon.com)
The Microbiome of Aseptically Collected Human Breast Tissue in Benign and Malignant DiseaseTina J. Hieken, Jun Chen, Tanya L. Hoskin, Marina Walther-Antonio, Stephen Johnson, Sheri Ramaker, Jian Xiao, Derek C. Radisky, Keith L. Knutson, Krishna R. Kalari, Janet Z. Yao, Larry M. Baddour, Nicholas Chia & Amy C. DegnimGlobally breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer death among women. The breast consists of epithelium, stroma and a mucosal immune system that make up a complex microenvironment. Growing awareness of the role of microbes in the microenvironment recently has led to a series of findings important for human health. The microbiome has been implicated in cancer development and progression at a variety of body sites including stomach, colon, liver, lung, and skin. In this study, we assessed breast tissue microbial signatures in intraoperatively obtained samples using 16S rDNA hypervariable tag sequencing. Our results indicate a distinct breast tissue microbiome that is different from the microbiota of breast skin tissue, breast skin swabs, and buccal swabs. Furthermore, we identify distinct microbial communities in breast tissues from women with cancer as compared to women with benign breast disease. Malignancy correlated with enrichment in taxa of lower abundance including the genera Fusobacterium, Atopobium, Gluconacetobacter, Hydrogenophaga and Lactobacillus. This work confirms the existence of a distinct breast microbiome and differences between the breast tissue microbiome in benign and malignant disease. These data provide a foundation for future investigation on the role of the breast microbiome in breast carcinogenesis and breast cancer prevention.
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