本帖最后由 marine0425030 于 2015-4-15 19:55 编辑人体内有成千上万种不同的病毒,很多对于人类来说都是无害的。而可能在很多时候对我们是有益的,就如很多肠道细菌一样。大家都知道,巨细胞病毒是一种常见的病毒,在美国有一半人感染,而在发展中国家的感染数几乎接近百分之百,而以前,我们对这个病毒并没有什么好感,该病毒通常呈隐性感染,多数感染者无临床症状,但在一定条件下侵袭多个器官和系统可产生严重疾病。
(本文出自marine0425030,转载请注明出处 http://bbs.virology.com.cn/thread-1819-1-1.html)
Cytomegalovirus infection enhances the immune response to influenza
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is a β-herpesvirus present in a latent form in most people worldwide. In immunosuppressed individuals, CMV can reactivate and cause serious clinical complications, but the effect of the latent state on healthy people remains elusive. We undertook a systems approach to understand the differences between seropositive and negative subjects and measured hundreds of immune system components from blood samples including cytokines and chemokines, immune cell phenotyping, gene expression, ex vivo cell responses to cytokine stimuli, and the antibody response to seasonal influenza vaccination. As expected, we found decreased responses to vaccination and an overall down-regulation of immune components in aged individuals regardless of CMV status. In contrast, CMV-seropositive young adults exhibited enhanced antibody responses to influenza vaccination, increased CD8+ T cell sensitivity, and elevated levels of circulating interferon-γ compared to seronegative individuals. Experiments with young mice infected with murine CMV also showed significant protection from an influenza virus challenge compared with uninfected animals, although this effect declined with time. These data show that CMV and its murine equivalent can have a beneficial effect on the immune response of young, healthy individuals, which may explain the ubiquity of CMV infection in humans and many other species.
这个很有意思啊! 本帖最后由 marine0425030 于 2015-4-15 20:24 编辑
rentianyixu 发表于 2015-4-15 20:02
Blood. 2013 Feb 14;121(7):1136-44. doi: 10.1182/blood-2012-07-446278. Epub 2012 Dec 20.
Distinct gene-expression profiles associated with the susceptibility of pathogen-specific CD4 T cells to HIV-1 infection.
Hu H1, Nau M, Ehrenberg P, Chenine AL, Macedo C, Zhou Y, Daye ZJ, Wei Z, Vahey M, Michael NL, Kim JH, Marovich M, Ratto-Kim S.
AbstractIn HIV infection, CD4 responses to opportunistic pathogens such as Candida albicans are lost early, but CMV-specific CD4 response persists. Little is currently known about HIV infection of CD4 T cells of different pathogen/antigen specificities. CFSE-labeled PBMCs were stimulated with CMV, tetanus toxoid (TT), and C albicans antigens and subsequently exposed to HIV. HIV infection was monitored by intracellular p24 in CFSE(low) population. We found that although TT- and C albicans-specific CD4 T cells were permissive, CMV-specific CD4 T cells were highly resistant to both R5 and X4 HIV. Quantification of HIV DNA in CFSE(low) cells showed a reduction of strong-stop and full-length DNA in CMV-specific cells compared with TT- and C albicans-specific cells. β-Chemokine neutralization enhanced HIV infection in TT- and C albicans-specific cells, whereas HIV infection in CMV-specific cells remained low despite increased entry by β-chemokine neutralization, suggesting postentry HIV restriction by CMV-specific cells. Microarray analysis (Gene Expression Omnibus accession number: GSE42853) revealed distinct transcriptional profiles that involved selective up-regulation of comprehensive innate antiviral genes in CMV-specific cells, whereas TT- and C albicans-specific cells mainly up-regulated Th17 inflammatory response. Our data suggest a mechanism for the persistence of CMV-specific CD4 response and earlier loss of mucosal Th17-associated TT- and C albicans-specific CD4 response in AIDS.