晚风hit 发表于 2015-2-3 10:55:37






晚风hit 发表于 2015-2-3 11:03:21

关于如何鉴定一个全新 的病毒http://bbs.virology.com.cn/thread-4671-1-1.html

by freecell

原文是 freecell的帖子。


呵呵,今天刚讲了一个文献,在2000年science发表了一篇report,发现1999年在印尼和新加坡流行的Nipah virus是一个新的副粘病毒科成员。大体思路如下:
1 EM studies of Nipah virus, demonstrated features characteristic of a virus belonging to the family Paramyxoviridae.
电镜发现Nipah virus(在印尼一个村落首次发现)有副粘病毒科形态特征
2 Serologic studies suggested that Nipah virus was the principal etiologic agent of the outbreak in Malaysia and Singapore.
3 Sequence studies of Nipah virus clearly placed it in the family Paramyxoviridae and Nipah and Hendra viruses are closely related members of a new genus.
利用副粘病毒设计引物,将Nipah virusPCR扩增,测序,并进行进化树分析,表明属于副粘病毒科


Nipah Virus: A Recently Emergent Deadly Paramyxovirus
K. B. Chua, et al.Science 288, 1432 (2000)

Nipah Virus Infection

原文:Nipah virus: a recently emergent deadly paramyxovirus.

4# feynman


5#   wwwkkk83
Discovery of New Viral Agents(from FIELDS VIROLOGY 5e)
   In recent years, numerous new viral agents have been discovered. In some instances, conventional viral culture
techniques have yielded new viruses. For example, detection of Hendra virus, a new paramyxovirus that causes
infection of horses and humans, was based on growth of the virus in cell cultures in use in diagnostic virology
laboratories (124). In other cases, powerful nucleic acid-based techniques have been applied to detect viruses
that could not be cultivated. Application of these techniques is likely to yield additional new viruses in coming
years. Short descriptions of the culture-independent discovery of three human pathogenic viruses follow.

   The first outstanding example of culture-independent virus discovery is HCV. This virus was discovered through
molecular cloning of plasma known to be infectious for chimpanzees. Serum from a person with non-A, non-B
hepatitis was used to screen an expression library of approximately one million candidate clones, resulting in
discovery of one clone expressing an HCV gene product. Nucleic acid sequencing provided the identification of the
new virus as a flavivirus and led to the development of a blood test used for screening of donated blood units (27).
Cultivation of HCV has still not been achieved.

   The discovery of Sin Nombre virus, the cause of hantavirus pulmonary syndrome, began with the detection of
antibodies in the serum of affected individuals that cross-reacted with known human hantaviruses. Based on that
clue, an RT-PCR assay was designed using primers based on sequences conserved in the four hantaviruses
previously known to be human pathogens. Sequencing of a product amplified from specimens obtained from
human cases revealed the presence of a new hantavirus (126). That discovery has led to the discovery of
numerous additional hantaviruses (45). Laboratory cultivation of Sin Nombre virus and related viruses remains
extremely difficult.
   Kaposi's sarcoma virus (HHV-8) was discovered as the cause of Kaposi's sarcoma through use of the technique of
representational difference analysis (107). This technique involved the use of DNA extracted from Kaposi's
sarcoma tissue, which was used along with DNA extracted from normal tissue. Unique sequences were detected
that were homologous to known gamma herpesviruses (24). The new virus was subsequently shown to be highly
associated with Kaposi's sarcoma as well as with multicentric Castleman's disease and AIDS-related body cavitybased
lymphoma. Cultivation of the virus in cell culture has subsequently been achieved (60).

More recently, microarrays that employ conserved sequences of large numbers of known viruses have been
created and used successfully in virus discovery (192).
Several new respiratory viruses have been discovered using a combination of conventional testing and innovative molecular methods.
HMPV (187), the SARS coronavirus (46,96,132), and HCoV-NL (61,189) were discovered by careful and persistent conventional
techniques, and careful observation for CPE. A technique called VIDISCA was also used to discover HCo-NL63
(189). This technique involves enrichment of viral nucleic acid, digestion with frequent cutting restriction
endonucleases, ligation of linkers containing PCR primer binding sites, amplification by PCR, and sequencing of
PCR products. A new parvovirus called human bocavirus was discovered in nasopharyngeal secretions from
children with respiratory illness using a technique for direct sequencing of nucleic acids present in the original
specimen followed by assembly of sequenced fragments (2).

晚风hit 发表于 2015-2-3 11:07:00

法则2. 要从寄主分离出这样的微生物并在培养基中得到纯培养(pure culture)。和细菌不同,很多病毒根本就不能培养,没有合适的细胞和动物模型。而且对于新发传染病,需要迅速的得到结论,这一点,对于病毒来说,不太可能。
法则3 用这种微生物的纯培养接种健康而敏感的寄主,同样的疾病会重复发生;不少病毒人是唯一宿主,不可能把病毒接种到人身上去吧。而且同一种病毒,在不同人身上可能会有不同的表现。比如就算把HCV接种到正常人身上,还有部分人会自愈呢。


13# wwwkkk83
柯赫法则 Koch’s postulates 对于病毒这类特殊的病原体,有如下修改:
To summarize, we can say that a virus is causing a disease if any one of the following conditions is satisfied:
   1. Virus isolation from blood, tissue, cerebrospinal fluid, or any specific lesion other thanm from the gastro-intestinal tract; together with a demonstrable rise of serum antibodies.
   2. (a) Isolation of a virus from stool, throat swabs or sputum with a high frequency during an outbreak of illness.
(b) A significant increase of specific antibodies during the course of the illness.
(c) Absence or low incidence of that virus in a control population.

3. Histological demonstration of pathognomonic lesions such as inclusions in pathological material. In order to demonstrate the etiological relationship
of the virus to a particular clinical syndrome it must further be shown that there is an appropriate time relationship of the isolation or specific lesion to an appropriate phase of the clinical illness.

“Koch's Postulates and the Modern Era in Virus Research” Can Med Assoc J. 1958 September 1; 79(5): 387–389.

14# 一只蜗牛


15# wwwkkk83

A Novel Coronavirus Associated with Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome

Identification of a Novel Coronavirus in Patients with Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
页: [1]
查看完整版本: 能不能讨论一下一些新的病毒是怎么发现的?(讨论中)