近日,德克萨斯大学达拉斯西南医学中心与麻省理工学院白头研究所(Whitehead)的一项联合实验结果表明,朊蛋白能够使酵母从常规单细胞形态转变为多细胞协作形式,从而适应恶劣的生存环境。而这种可遗传的改变是一种表观遗传学现象,不会影响酵母基因组。相关研究论文刊登在3月28日出版的《细胞》(Cell)期刊上,题为Heritable Remodeling of Yeast Multicellularity by an Environmentally Responsive Prion研究人员表示,只要找到了受调节的基因,就能够确定这些朊蛋白的功能。在针对酵母中能够形成prion的转录调节子进行研究后,科学家发现实际上整个酵母基因组中只有FLO11基因受到调节。
在进一步的研究中,科学家发现,酵母细胞中含有转录因子mot3的prion形式MOT3 ,而且这种朊蛋白会引起需要FLO11表达的多细胞生长模式。他们随后在多种环境压力下测试酵母细胞,发现一定浓度的乙醇环境(类似天然发酵过程),会大大增加MOT3 的形成。他们还发现,当细胞改变代谢方式,通过呼吸作用消耗周围的氧时,这种朊蛋白就会转变为mot3-,而酵母恢复到单细胞状态。研究结果说明,朊蛋白形式的蛋白驱动了酵母的多细胞性,帮助酵母在乙醇环境下生存。
Prion proteins undergo self-sustaining conformational conversions that heritably alter their activities. Many of these proteins operate at pivotal positions in determining how genotype is translated into phenotype. But the breadth of prion influences on biology and their evolutionary significance are just beginning to be explored. We report that a prion formed by the Mot3 transcription factor, , governs the acquisition of facultative multicellularity in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The traits governed by involved both gains and losses of Mot3 regulatory activity. -dependent expression ofFLO11, a major determinant of cell-cell adhesion, produced diverse lineage-specific multicellular phenotypes in response to nutrient deprivation. The prions themselves were induced by ethanol and eliminated by hypoxia—conditions that occur sequentially in the natural respiro-fermentative cycles of yeast populations. These data demonstrate that prions can act as environmentally responsive molecular determinants of multicellularity and contribute to the natural morphological diversity of budding yeast.