rentianyixu 发表于 2015-8-1 23:47:00

重大突破! 世卫组织宣布埃博拉疫苗初步测试成功!

2014年爆发在非洲的埃博拉疫情震惊了全世界,这也是有史以来爆发的最为严重的埃博拉疫情。在这次疫情中,世界各国政府纷纷意识到了传染病对人类健康的巨大威胁。因此,多个国家和众多国际医药巨头纷纷开始投入巨大人力物力进行埃博拉特效疗法和相关疫苗的研发。最近,美国默克(北美地区外称为默沙东)宣布了其开发的埃博拉疫苗rVSV-ZEBOV临床三期研究中期数据分析结果。结果显示,该疫苗单剂量的有效性为100%(95%CI:74.7 - 100%; p=0.0036)。在接种疫苗的6-10天内可以有效预防埃博拉病毒的感染。这一结果也已经发表在杂志The Lancet上。
据了解,此次临床研究主要在埃博拉疫情重灾区几内亚进行,目前已经有4000名志愿者参与到此次名为“Ebola, that's enough”的临床研究。而WHO、几内亚卫生部等政府部门也参与其中。
rVSV-ZEBOV的研受到了加拿大卫生部门的大力支持。在此次埃博拉疫情爆发的时候,默沙东就迅速进行了相关研究。rVSV-ZEBOV是基于NewLink Genetics Corporation授权的新技术为基础进行开发的。研究人员移除了埃博拉病毒中的一个重要基因,从而降低了这种病毒的毒力。研究表明人体的免疫系统能够对疫苗反应从而产生相应抗体,不仅能够帮助埃博拉感染患者还能预防二次感染。不过目前尚没有研究数据表明这种免疫反应能够持续的时间。截止到目前为止,已经有超过9000名志愿者参与到rVSV-ZEBOV疫苗的临床I、II、III期研究中。相信,人类彻底征服埃博拉已经为期不远。
Merck's ($MRK) Ebola vaccine, in development alongside NewLink Genetics ($NLNK), protected 100% of patients from contracting the virus in interim results from an ongoing study, giving rise to hopes it can help prevent future outbreaks.
The vaccine, rVSV-ZEBOV, is in the midst of a big Phase III trial in West Africa, home to the most recent--and deadliest--outbreak of Ebola. In an interim analysis published in The Lancet, every patient who received the vaccine after Ebola broke out in his or her village was virus-free within 6 to 10 days, Merck said, suggesting rVSV-ZEBOV could be a highly effective option for stemming the spread of Ebola.
In a novel trial design, rVSV-ZEBOV's investigators decided against a traditional placebo-controlled trial in favor of a so-called ring study. The researchers identified 7,651 people in Guinea at risk for infection and split them into two groups: Roughly half would receive rVSV-ZEBOV immediately after exposure to Ebola and the rest would get the vaccine after a delay. In the interim analysis, the immediate group reported no infections after 10 days compared with 16 cases of Ebola in the other arm, a highly statistically significant result for rVSV-ZEBOV.原文链接:

Vaccine 发表于 2015-8-2 08:02:57

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