ipsvirus 发表于 2015-8-13 11:15:21

Sci Trans Med:在子宫中接触过SIV的猴类出生后对感染更具抵抗力

近日,一项新的研究结果表明,在母亲子宫中接触过猴免疫缺陷病毒的猴类在出生后对该病毒的感染具有更强的抵抗力。研究成果发表在8月12号Science Translational Medicine上。

HIV的发展部分是由慢性以及入侵性的免疫反应推动的,这让许多研究人员揣测,一个疫苗能够有效地工作,其原理并不是调动免疫系统来工作,而是通过让免疫系统变得温和从而使其能够耐受这种病毒。让人出乎意料的实际情况是,在所有母亲是HIV感染者的新生儿中,在母亲的子宫中被感染的孩子的比例只有5 – 10%,这一情况似乎是在暗示免疫耐受或面对病毒建立起来的保护作用是其中的原因。

在这项研究中,Chris Baker和同事们对胎儿接触该病毒是否会在日后发展出免疫耐受进行了探索。他们将一种弱化了的猴免疫缺陷病毒(SIV),即猴类中的HIV,注射到了胎儿阶段的猴子体内,并在它们出生后一年用正常的病毒使其感染。虽然这些猴子没有产生免疫耐受,但是与在胎儿阶段没有接触过该病毒、但后来受到感染的猴子相比,在胎儿阶段接触过该病毒的猴子在感染数月后,其血液中的病毒数要明显低很多。这些发现暗示,在子宫中暴露于该病毒可能潜在地训练了这些处于胎儿阶段猴子的、正在发育的免疫系统,从而在日后能够更好地帮助它们控制感染。研究人员确认了12个以上的免疫标记,这些标记都与这部分针对SIV产生的防护作用有关联,这些标记有潜力指导产生免疫耐受的HIV疫苗的开发。


ipsvirus 发表于 2015-8-13 11:16:16

Exposure to SIV in utero results in reduced viral loads and altered responsiveness to postnatal challenge

Chris A. R. Baker1,2, Louise Swainson2, Din L. Lin2, Samson Wong2, Dennis J. Hartigan-O’Connor2,3,4, Jeffrey D. Lifson5, Alice F. Tarantal6,7,8 and Joseph M. McCune2,*

HIV disease is characterized by a state of chronic immune activation that appears to contribute to the dysfunction of the immune system. Control of immune activation in infected patients may help to protect against immune dysfunction and delay the progression of the disease. In a new study, Baker et al. exposed fetal rhesus macaques to simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV), a close relative of HIV, during a prenatal period, hypothesizing that this would cause the macaque’s immune system to become less reactive to, or tolerant of, material derived from SIV. When experimentally infected after birth, the authors hypothesized that exposed macaques might mount less aggressive immune responses against the virus, have lower immune activation, and may have less severe disease than unexposed animals. They found that macaques exposed to SIV in utero did not display any direct evidence of tolerance to SIV; however, the animals did have significantly lower viral loads after infection and altered immune responses that were associated with the control of viral replication. This study supports a new avenue for HIV vaccine design.

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