
标题: Jack R. Wands,波士顿——HBV相关实验室及人物介绍系列 [打印本页]

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标题: Jack R. Wands,波士顿——HBV相关实验室及人物介绍系列

Jack R. Wands,波士顿——HBV相关实验室及人物介绍系列

Jack R. Wands,波士顿

Ortiz, V. and J. R. Wands (2014). "Chronic ethanol diet increases regulatory T-cell activity and inhibits hepatitis  C virus core-specific cellular immune responses in mice." Hepatol Res 44(7): 788-97.
Tong, S. and J. Li, et al. (2013). "Hepatitis B virus genetic variants: biological properties and clinical implications." Emerg Microbes Infect 2(3): e10.
Yan, T. and K. Li, et al. (2011). "T1846 and A/G1913 are associated with acute on chronic liver failure in patients  infected with hepatitis B virus genotypes B and C." J Med Virol 83(6): 996-1004.
Ito, K. and Y. Qin, et al. (2010). "Impairment of hepatitis B virus virion secretion by single-amino-acid substitutions in the small envelope protein and rescue by a novel glycosylation site." J Virol 84(24): 12850-61.
von Dem, B. A. and R. Machida, et al. (2010). "Hepatitis C virus NS2 protein triggers endoplasmic reticulum stress and suppresses its own viral replication." J Hepatol 53(5): 797-804.
Szabo, G. and J. R. Wands, et al. (2010). "Alcohol and hepatitis C virus--interactions in immune dysfunctions and liver damage." Alcohol Clin Exp Res 34(10): 1675-86.
Longato, L. and S. de la Monte, et al. (2009). "Overexpression of insulin receptor substrate-1 and hepatitis Bx genes causes premalignant alterations in the liver." Hepatology 49(6): 1935-43.
Siu, L. and J. Foont, et al. (2009). "Hepatitis C virus and alcohol." Semin Liver Dis 29(2): 188-99.
Tsai, A. and S. Kawai, et al. (2009). "Chimeric constructs between two hepatitis B virus genomes confirm transcriptional impact of core promoter mutations and reveal multiple effects of core gene mutations." Virology 387(2): 364-72.
Gehring, S. and S. H. Gregory, et al. (2009). "Generation of immune responses against hepatitis C virus by dendritic cells containing NS5 protein-coated microparticles." Clin Vaccine Immunol 16(2): 163-71.
Wintermeyer, P. and J. R. Wands (2007). "Vaccines to prevent chronic hepatitis C virus infection: current experimental and preclinical developments." J Gastroenterol 42(6): 424-32.
Encke, J. and M. Geissler, et al. (2006). "DNA-based immunization breaks tolerance in a hepatitis C virus transgenic mouse model." Hum Vaccin 2(2): 78-83.
Branda, M. and J. R. Wands (2006). "Signal transduction cascades and hepatitis B and C related hepatocellular carcinoma." Hepatology 43(5): 891-902.
Kuzushita, N. and S. H. Gregory, et al. (2006). "Vaccination with protein-transduced dendritic cells elicits a sustained response  to hepatitis C viral antigens." Gastroenterology 130(2): 453-64.
Fukutomi, T. and Y. Zhou, et al. (2005). "Hepatitis C virus core protein stimulates hepatocyte growth: correlation with upregulation of wnt-1 expression." Hepatology 41(5): 1096-105.
Gehring, S. and S. H. Gregory, et al. (2005). "Type 1 interferon augments DNA-based vaccination against hepatitis C virus core protein." J Med Virol 75(2): 249-57.
Khan, N. and M. Guarnieri, et al. (2004). "Modulation of hepatitis B virus secretion by naturally occurring mutations in the S gene." J Virol 78(7): 3262-70.
Li, J. and S. Tong, et al. (2004). "Glycine decarboxylase mediates a postbinding step in duck hepatitis B virus infection." J Virol 78(4): 1873-81.
Encke, J. and P. J. Zu, et al. (2003). "CpG immuno-stimulatory motifs enhance humoral immune responses against hepatitis  C virus core protein after DNA-based immunization." Arch Virol 148(3): 435-48.
Dumoulin, F. L. and B. A. von Dem, et al. (2003). "Hepatitis C virus NS2 protein inhibits gene expression from different cellular and viral promoters in hepatic and nonhepatic cell lines." Virology 305(2): 260-6.
Heintges, T. and J. Encke, et al. (2001). "Inhibition of hepatitis C virus NS3 function by antisense oligodeoxynucleotides and protease inhibitor." J Med Virol 65(4): 671-80.
Spangenberg, H. C. and J. R. Wands (2001). "Ribozymes and hepatitis B virus." J Gastroenterol Hepatol 16(10): 1084-5.
Spangenberg, H. C. and H. B. Lee, et al. (2001). "A short sequence within domain C of duck carboxypeptidase D is critical for duck  hepatitis B virus binding and determines host specificity." J Virol 75(22): 10630-42.
Mauch, C. and C. Grimm, et al. (2001). "Induction of cytotoxic T lymphocyte responses against hepatitis delta virus antigens which protect against tumor formation in mice." Vaccine 20(1-2): 170-80.
Zu, P. J. and J. Encke, et al. (2000). "Cytotoxic T cell responses against hepatitis B virus polymerase induced by genetic immunization." J Hepatol 33(6): 986-91.
Encke, J. and J. R. Wands (2000). "Ethanol inhibition: the humoral and cellular immune response to hepatitis C virus NS5 protein after genetic immunization." Alcohol Clin Exp Res 24(7): 1063-9.
Geissler, M. and V. Bruss, et al. (1999). "Intracellular retention of hepatitis B virus surface proteins reduces interleukin-2 augmentation after genetic immunizations." J Virol 73(5): 4284-92.
Zu, P. J. and R. E. Lanford, et al. (1999). "Properties of monoclonal antibodies directed against hepatitis B virus polymerase protein." J Virol 73(5): 4188-96.
Zu, P. J. and A. Skerra, et al. (1999). "Intracellular expression of a cloned antibody fragment interferes with hepatitis  B virus surface antigen secretion." Biochem Biophys Res Commun 255(3): 785-91.
Zu, P. J. and S. Tong, et al. (1999). "A short region in the genome of hepatitis B virus is critical for maintenance of  high transcript levels." Virology 254(2): 245-56.
Wakita, T. and D. Moradpour, et al. (1999). "Antiviral effects of antisense RNA on hepatitis C virus RNA translation and expression." J Med Virol 57(3): 217-22.
Heintges, T. and P. J. Zu, et al. (1999). "Characterization and binding of intracellular antibody fragments to the hepatitis C virus core protein." Biochem Biophys Res Commun 263(2): 410-8.
Li, J. and S. Tong, et al. (1999). "Identification and expression of glycine decarboxylase (p120) as a duck hepatitis B virus pre-S envelope-binding protein." J Biol Chem 274(39): 27658-65.
Tong, S. and J. Li, et al. (1999). "Carboxypeptidase D is an avian hepatitis B virus receptor." J Virol 73(10): 8696-702.
Zu, P. J. and J. R. Wands (1999). "Specific inhibition of hepatitis B virus replication by sense RNA." Antisense Nucleic Acid Drug Dev 9(3): 241-52.
Zu, P. J. and Q. Yu, et al. (1999). "Combinatorial screening and intracellular antiviral activity of hairpin ribozymes directed against hepatitis B virus." J Virol 73(7): 5381-7.
Zu, P. J. and A. Skerra, et al. (1998). "Cloning, bacterial synthesis, and characterization of immunoglobulin variable regions of a monoclonal antibody specific for the hepatitis B virus X protein." Gene 221(1): 143-9.
Encke, J. and P. J. Zu, et al. (1998). "Genetic immunization generates cellular and humoral immune responses against the  nonstructural proteins of the hepatitis C virus in a murine model." J Immunol 161(9): 4917-23.
Encke, J. and P. J. Zu, et al. (1998). "Total chemical synthesis of the 3' untranslated region of the hepatitis C virus with long oligodeoxynucleotides." J Virol Methods 74(1): 117-21.
Zu, P. J. and S. Wieland, et al. (1998). "Antisense RNA complementary to hepatitis B virus specifically inhibits viral replication." Gastroenterology 115(3): 702-13.
Geissler, M. and R. Schirmbeck, et al. (1998). "Cytokine and hepatitis B virus DNA co-immunizations enhance cellular and humoral  immune responses to the middle but not to the large hepatitis B virus surface antigen in mice." Hepatology 28(1): 202-10.
Yasui, K. and T. Wakita, et al. (1998). "The native form and maturation process of hepatitis C virus core protein." J Virol 72(7): 6048-55.
Moradpour, D. and T. Wakita, et al. (1998). "Tightly regulated expression of the entire hepatitis C virus structural region in continuous human cell lines." Biochem Biophys Res Commun 246(3): 920-4.
Melegari, M. and P. P. Scaglioni, et al. (1998). "Cloning and characterization of a novel hepatitis B virus x binding protein that  inhibits viral replication." J Virol 72(3): 1737-43.
Melegari, M. and P. P. Scaglioni, et al. (1998). "Hepatitis B virus mutants associated with 3TC and famciclovir administration are  replication defective." Hepatology 27(2): 628-33.
Melegari, M. and P. P. Scaglioni, et al. (1997). "The small envelope protein is required for secretion of a naturally occurring hepatitis B virus mutant with pre-S1 deleted." J Virol 71(7): 5449-54.
Geissler, M. and K. Tokushige, et al. (1997). "Cellular and humoral immune response to hepatitis B virus structural proteins in  mice after DNA-based immunization." Gastroenterology 112(4): 1307-20.
Tokushige, K. and D. Moradpour, et al. (1997). "Comparison between cytomegalovirus promoter and elongation factor-1 alpha promoter-driven constructs in the establishment of cell lines expressing hepatitis C virus core protein." J Virol Methods 64(1): 73-80.
Geissler, M. and A. Gesien, et al. (1997). "Enhancement of cellular and humoral immune responses to hepatitis C virus core protein using DNA-based vaccines augmented with cytokine-expressing plasmids." J Immunol 158(3): 1231-7.
Scaglioni, P. P. and M. Melegari, et al. (1997). "Posttranscriptional regulation of hepatitis B virus replication by the precore protein." J Virol 71(1): 345-53.
Wands, J. R. and M. Geissler, et al. (1997). "Nucleic acid-based antiviral and gene therapy of chronic hepatitis B infection." J Gastroenterol Hepatol 12(9-10): S354-69.
Geissler, M. and A. Gesien, et al. (1997). "Inhibitory effects of chronic ethanol consumption on cellular immune responses to hepatitis C virus core protein are reversed by genetic immunizations augmented with cytokine-expressing plasmids." J Immunol 159(10): 5107-13.
Geissler, M. and A. Gesien, et al. (1997). "Chronic ethanol effects on cellular immune responses to hepatitis B virus envelope protein: an immunologic mechanism for induction of persistent viral infection in alcoholics." Hepatology 26(3): 764-70.
Heintges, T. and J. R. Wands (1997). "Hepatitis C virus: epidemiology and transmission." Hepatology 26(3): 521-6.
Scaglioni, P. P. and M. Melegari, et al. (1997). "Biologic properties of hepatitis B viral genomes with mutations in the precore promoter and precore open reading frame." Virology 233(2): 374-81.
Li, J. S. and S. P. Tong, et al. (1996). "Characterization of a 120-Kilodalton pre-S-binding protein as a candidate duck hepatitis B virus receptor." J Virol 70(9): 6029-35.
Moradpour, D. and C. Englert, et al. (1996). "Characterization of cell lines allowing tightly regulated expression of hepatitis C virus core protein." Virology 222(1): 51-63.
Scaglioni, P. P. and M. Melegari, et al. (1996). "Recent advances in the molecular biology of hepatitis B virus." Baillieres Clin Gastroenterol 10(2): 207-25.
Tokushige, K. and T. Wakita, et al. (1996). "Expression and immune response to hepatitis C virus core DNA-based vaccine constructs." Hepatology 24(1): 14-20.
Moradpour, D. and T. Wakita, et al. (1996). "Characterization of three novel monoclonal antibodies against hepatitis C virus core protein." J Med Virol 48(3): 234-41.
Tong, S. and J. Li, et al. (1995). "Interaction between duck hepatitis B virus and a 170-kilodalton cellular protein  is mediated through a neutralizing epitope of the pre-S region and occurs during  viral infection." J Virol 69(11): 7106-12.
Iwata, K. and T. Wakita, et al. (1995). "Interferon gamma production by peripheral blood lymphocytes to hepatitis C virus  core protein in chronic hepatitis C infection." Hepatology 22(4 Pt 1): 1057-64.
Moradpour, D. and J. R. Wands (1995). "Understanding hepatitis B virus infection." N Engl J Med 332(16): 1092-3.
Maia, M. and H. Takahashi, et al. (1995). "Development of a two-site immuno-PCR assay for hepatitis B surface antigen." J Virol Methods 52(3): 273-86.
Scaglioni, P. P. and M. Melegari, et al. (1994). "Characterization of hepatitis B virus core mutants that inhibit viral replication." Virology 205(1): 112-20.
Wakita, T. and J. R. Wands (1994). "Specific inhibition of hepatitis C virus expression by antisense oligodeoxynucleotides. In vitro model for selection of target sequence." J Biol Chem 269(19): 14205-10.
von Weizsacker, F. and H. E. Blum, et al. (1994). "Polymerase chain reaction analysis of hepatitis B virus DNA in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded liver biopsies from alcoholics using a simplified and standardized amplification protocol." J Hepatol 20(5): 646-9.
Melegari, M. and S. Bruno, et al. (1994). "Properties of hepatitis B virus pre-S1 deletion mutants." Virology 199(2): 292-300.
Liang, T. J. and H. J. Bodenheimer, et al. (1994). "Presence of hepatitis B and C viral genomes in US blood donors as detected by polymerase chain reaction amplification." J Med Virol 42(2): 151-7.
Liang, T. J. and W. J. Makdisi, et al. (1993). "Targeted transfection and expression of hepatitis B viral DNA in human hepatoma cells." J Clin Invest 91(3): 1241-6.
von Weizsacker, F. and H. E. Blum, et al. (1992). "Cleavage of hepatitis B virus RNA by three ribozymes transcribed from a single DNA template." Biochem Biophys Res Commun 189(2): 743-8.
Wands, J. R. and T. J. Liang, et al. (1992). "Molecular pathogenesis of liver disease during persistent hepatitis B virus infection." Semin Liver Dis 12(3): 252-64.
Blum, H. E. and Z. S. Zhang, et al. (1992). "Hepatitis B virus X protein is not central to the viral life cycle in vitro." J Virol 66(2): 1223-7.
Hasegawa, K. and J. K. Huang, et al. (1991). "Association of hepatitis B viral precore mutations with fulminant hepatitis B in  Japan." Virology 185(1): 460-3.
Wands, J. R. and H. E. Blum (1991). "Hepatitis B and C virus and alcohol-induced liver injury." Hepatology 14(4 Pt 1): 730-3.
Blum, H. E. and T. J. Liang, et al. (1991). "Persistence of hepatitis B viral DNA after serological recovery from hepatitis B  virus infection." Hepatology 14(1): 56-63.
Liang, T. J. and K. Hasegawa, et al. (1991). "A hepatitis B virus mutant associated with an epidemic of fulminant hepatitis." N Engl J Med 324(24): 1705-9.
Liang, T. J. and Y. Baruch, et al. (1991). "Hepatitis B virus infection in patients with idiopathic liver disease." Hepatology 13(6): 1044-51.
Blum, H. E. and E. Galun, et al. (1991). "Naturally occurring missense mutation in the polymerase gene terminating hepatitis B virus replication." J Virol 65(4): 1836-42.
Blum, H. E. and E. Galun, et al. (1991). "Inhibition of hepatitis B virus by antisense oligodeoxynucleotides." Lancet 337(8751): 1230.
Liang, T. J. and H. E. Blum, et al. (1990). "Characterization and biological properties of a hepatitis B virus isolated from a patient without hepatitis B virus serologic markers." Hepatology 12(2): 204-12.
Liang, T. J. and K. J. Isselbacher, et al. (1989). "Rapid identification of low level hepatitis B-related viral genome in serum." J Clin Invest 84(4): 1367-71.
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Ben-Porath, E. and J. R. Wands (1984). "Monoclonal antibodies as diagnostic probes in the etiology of hepatitis." Semin Liver Dis 4(1): 76-88.
Wands, J. R. (1983). "Non-A, non-B hepatitis." Hepatology 3(5): 764-6.
Marciniak, R. A. and J. R. Wands, et al. (1983). "Quantitative removal of hepatitis B viral antigens from serum by a monoclonal IgM coupled to a biocompatible solid-phase support." Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 80(12): 3821-5.
Wands, J. R. and H. M. Lieberman, et al. (1982). "Detection and transmission in chimpanzees of hepatitis B virus-related agents formerly designated "non-A, non-B" hepatitis." Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 79(23): 7552-6.
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