
标题: PNAS:揭示HTLV-1病毒在人体内建立持续性潜伏感染机制 [打印本页]

作者: ghx0123    时间: 2016-6-9 20:51
标题: PNAS:揭示HTLV-1病毒在人体内建立持续性潜伏感染机制
在一项新的研究中,来自日本熊本大学和英国帝国理工学院的研究人员鉴定出人T细胞白血病病毒1型(human T-cell leukemia virus type 1, HTLV-1)在人体内建立持续性潜伏感染机制。这是一个重要的成就,可能有助于预防难治的白血病---在该疾病中,白血病细胞对治疗的反应并不良好。相关研究结果近期发表在PNAS期刊上,论文标题为“The retrovirus HTLV-1 inserts an ectopic CTCF-binding site into the human genome”。




他们揭示出CTCF直接结合到已经整合进宿主细胞DNA中的HTLV-1病毒DNA上,作为一种增强子阻断剂发挥作用,调节HTLV-1 mRNA剪接,并且与HTLV-1病毒DNA两侧的宿主细胞DNA序列发生长程相互作用,从而在HTLV-1病毒DNA和宿主细胞DNA之间形成环状结构,这会改变HTLV-1病毒和宿主细胞基因的表达。

论文第一作者、熊本大学副教授Yorifumi Satou博士说,“当HTLV-1进入人体时,人免疫系统开始工作。然而,为了逃避人免疫系统的作用,这种病毒整合进人DNA中,并使用人细胞的原始DNA折叠系统。因此,这种病毒能够在感染者体内悄无声息地存活下来。”


题目:The retrovirus HTLV-1 inserts an ectopic CTCF-binding site into the human genome


Human T-lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1) is a retrovirus that causes malignant and inflammatory diseases in ∼10% of infected people. A typical host has between 104 and 105 clones of HTLV-1–infected T lymphocytes, each clone distinguished by the genomic integration site of the single-copy HTLV-1 provirus. The HTLV-1 bZIP (HBZ) factor gene is constitutively expressed from the minus strand of the provirus, whereas plus-strand expression, required for viral propagation to uninfected cells, is suppressed or intermittent in vivo, allowing escape from host immune surveillance. It remains unknown what regulates this pattern of proviral transcription and latency. Here, we show that CTCF, a key regulator of chromatin structure and function, binds to the provirus at a sharp border in epigenetic modifications in the pX region of the HTLV-1 provirus in T cells naturally infected with HTLV-1. CTCF is a zinc-finger protein that binds to an insulator region in genomic DNA and plays a fundamental role in controlling higher order chromatin structure and gene expression in vertebrate cells. We show that CTCF bound to HTLV-1 acts as an enhancer blocker, regulates HTLV-1 mRNA splicing, and forms long-distance interactions with flanking host chromatin. CTCF-binding sites (CTCF-BSs) have been propagated throughout the genome by transposons in certain primate lineages, but CTCF binding has not previously been described in present-day exogenous retroviruses. The presence of an ectopic CTCF-BS introduced by the retrovirus in tens of thousands of genomic locations has the potential to cause widespread abnormalities in host cell chromatin structure and gene expression.

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