
标题: Nature:牛津大学研究人员解析高效抗埃博拉病毒药物机制 [打印本页]

作者: ipsvirus    时间: 2016-6-30 21:08
标题: Nature:牛津大学研究人员解析高效抗埃博拉病毒药物机制


      EBOV可透过与患者体液直接接触,或与患者皮肤、黏膜等接触而传染。病毒潜伏期可达221天,但通常只有510天。EBOV对化学药品敏感,乙醚、福尔马林、次氯酸钠等消毒剂可以完全灭活病毒感染性;紫外线照射2 min可使之完全灭活。EBOV在血液样本或病尸中可存活数周;4条件下存放5周其感染性保持不变,-80条件可长期保存。EBOV在常温下较稳定,对热有中等度抵抗力,56不能完全灭活,6030min方能破坏其感染性。

    埃博拉病毒的形状宛如中国古代的如意,呈长丝状体,基因组为单股负链RNA。病毒粒子外有包膜,包膜上有糖蛋白GP形成的三聚体,介导与细胞受体的结合起始感染。因此,GP蛋白无疑成为开发抗病毒药的首要靶标。基于治疗性药物的迫切需求,FDA批准药物无疑提供了丰富资源,从中筛选药物可以省去研发和临床试验所需的大量时间和金钱,多个实验室设计高通量实验已成功筛选到潜在药物(比如一种心脏病药物和一种抑郁治疗药物能够保护小鼠感染埃博拉病毒,详见帖子。在本研究中,牛津大学的David I. Stuart教授课题组成功获得了分辨率高达2.2ÅEBOV-Z GP全蛋白结构,对GP蛋白在介导膜融合过程前后构象变化进行了解析。David I. Stuart教授课题组结合蛋白热转移试验和结构解析,对9种潜在药物作用机制进行了分析,结果发现抗癌药物Toremifene和止痛药ibuprofen都能与GP蛋白的结合,结合位点位于GP1GP2亚基之间的空腔。此外,Toremifene还表现出显著降低GP蛋白热稳定性,是一个非常有前景的潜在抗埃博拉药物,而ibuprofenGP蛋白热稳定作用有限。




作者: ipsvirus    时间: 2016-6-30 21:09
Toremifene interacts with and destabilizes the Ebola virus glycoprotein

Yuguang Zhao, Jingshan Ren, Karl Harlos, Daniel M. Jones, Antra Zeltina, Thomas A. Bowden, Sergi Padilla-Parra, Elizabeth E. Fry & David I. Stuart

Ebola viruses (EBOVs) are responsible for repeated outbreaks of fatal infections, including the recent deadly epidemic in West Africa. There are currently no approved therapeutic drugs or vaccines for the disease. EBOV has a membrane envelope decorated by trimers of a glycoprotein (GP, cleaved by furin to form GP1 and GP2 subunits), which is solely responsible for host cell attachment, endosomal entry and membrane fusion1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. GP is thus a primary target for the development of antiviral drugs. Here we report the first, to our knowledge, unliganded structure of EBOV GP, and high-resolution complexes of GP with the anticancer drug toremifene and the painkiller ibuprofen. The high-resolution apo structure gives a more complete and accurate picture of the molecule, and allows conformational changes introduced by antibody and receptor binding to be deciphered8, 9, 10. Unexpectedly, both toremifene and ibuprofen bind in a cavity between the attachment (GP1) and fusion (GP2) subunits at the entrance to a large tunnel that links with equivalent tunnels from the other monomers of the trimer at the three-fold axis. Protein–drug interactions with both GP1 and GP2 are predominately hydrophobic. Residues lining the binding site are highly conserved among filoviruses except Marburg virus (MARV), suggesting that MARV may not bind these drugs. Thermal shift assays show up to a 14 °C decrease in the protein melting temperature after toremifene binding, while ibuprofen has only a marginal effect and is a less potent inhibitor. These results suggest that inhibitor binding destabilizes GP and triggers premature release of GP2, thereby preventing fusion between the viral and endosome membranes. Thus, these complex structures reveal the mechanism of inhibition and may guide the development of more powerful anti-EBOV drugs. ... ll/nature18615.html
作者: rentianyixu    时间: 2016-7-1 21:55

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