
标题: [转移贴]Pymol Course materials 2011 首发!! [打印本页]

作者: hantavirus    时间: 2015-6-8 14:22
标题: [转移贴]Pymol Course materials 2011 首发!!
原贴由donggua 发表于 2011-11-28 16:08

Structural Biology Exercise #1   Insulin

1. To learn to look for a structure databank code from a structure paper
2. To get familiar with Pymol, which is used for visualisation of protein structures
3. To learn how Insulin was modified to make it act faster
01_Exercise_insulin.pdf (212.69 KB, 下载次数: 264)

Structural Biology Exercise #2
“Function of Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs”

1. Get familiar with proteopedia, protein data bank and pymol
2. How to find information about the structure
3. How to visualize and compare structures
02_aspirin_practical.pdf (319.68 KB, 下载次数: 259)

Structural Biology Exercise #3
Why are statins powerful inhibitors of cholesterol synthesis?”

1. Get more familiar with proteopedia, protein data bank and pymol
2. How to find information about the structure
3. How to analyze protein-ligand interactions
03_Exercise_Statin.pdf (84 KB, 下载次数: 279)

Structural Biology Exercise #4:
Lysosomal α-mannosidase: several inherited ways to fall

Lysosomal α-mannosidase (LAM) is a protein, which breaks oligomeric mannose sugars released from degraded proteins, into single mannose sugars. Failure in LAM function results in a severe inherited disease, α-mannosidosis. Several inherited missense mutations are known, which result  in α-mannosidosis in man, cat or cattle. We will now look at a few of these. The structure of the bovine LAM is known from the bovine enzyme. The sequence of the bovine enzyme is 80% identical to the sequence of the human enzyme, so we can use the bovine LAM structure as such to look at the mutations in the human LAM.

04_Excersize_mannosidase.pdf (178.82 KB, 下载次数: 286)

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