
标题: 在SCI文章致谢部分求婚,算你浪漫 [打印本页]

作者: 火柴    时间: 2018-1-12 15:08
标题: 在SCI文章致谢部分求婚,算你浪漫
文章的题目是 Performance Analysis for Minimally Nonlinear Irreversible Refrigerators at Finite Cooling Power,作者是Rui Long, Zhichun Liu, and Wei Liu,来自于华中科技大学。第一作者Rui Long向自己的女朋友 Panpan Mao求婚。

致谢是这么写的: We acknowledge the suppor received from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (51706076, 51736004). In addition, Rui Long wants to thank, in particular, the patience, care and suppor from Panpan Mao over the passed years. Will you marry me?
如果我遇到这样的求婚,我肯定会写一篇科研论文,在致谢部分也写上同样的一段话“We acknowledge the suppor received from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (XXXXX). In addition, Panpan Mao wants to thank, in particular, the patience, care and love from Rui Long over the passed years.YES, I DO”。

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