
标题: PNAS:野生生物-牲畜界面上的传染病 [打印本页]

作者: bestar    时间: 2015-7-21 22:15
标题: PNAS:野生生物-牲畜界面上的传染病
澳大利亚悉尼大学的科研人员报告了对关于野生生物-牲畜界面上的传染病的科学文献的一项广泛的分析。在野生生物和牲畜之间的传染病的转移对牲畜部门、生态系统和人群带来了一个威胁。然而,全世界缺乏对这些疾病和涉及的动物的研究。Siobhan Mor及其同事分析了从1912年到2013年的将近16000份关于野生生物-牲畜界面上的传染病的科学出版物,从而描述传染病的类型以及利害关系最大的动物物种的特征,并识别出随着时间推移的趋势。每年出版物的数量持续增加,随着时间推移,重点从寄生虫疾病转向病毒病。10种疾病——其中大多数有能力感染人类——占了发表的研究的一半。最频繁地得到研究的界面是具有密切亲缘关系的物种之间的界面或者有共同的栖息地的物种之间的界面,野生鸟类和家禽之间的界面是全世界最频繁地引用的界面。其他界面的相对重要性随着地理区域而各异。这组作者提出,这些结果可能用于特定疾病、动物物种和地理区域的分析的一个起点,这可能导致识别出控制野生生物-牲畜界面上的疾病的有效的监测和研究策略。


global trends in infectious diseases at the wildLife–livestock interface


The role and significance of wildlife–livestock interfaces in disease ecology has largely been neglected, despite recent interest in animals as origins of emerging diseases in humans. Scoping review methods were applied to objectively assess the relative interest by the scientific community in infectious diseases at interfaces between wildlife and livestock, to characterize animal species and regions involved, as well as to identify trends over time. An extensive literature search combining wildlife, livestock, disease, and geographical search terms yielded 78,861 publications, of which 15,998 were included in the analysis. Publications dated from 1912 to 2013 and showed a continuous increasing trend, including a shift from parasitic to viral diseases over time. In particular there was a significant increase in publications on the artiodactyls–cattle and bird–poultry interface after 2002 and 2003, respectively. These trends could be traced to key disease events that stimulated public interest and research funding. Among the top 10 diseases identified by this review, the majority were zoonoses. Prominent wildlife–livestock interfaces resulted largely from interaction between phylogenetically closely related and/or sympatric species. The bird–poultry interface was the most frequently cited wildlife–livestock interface worldwide with other interfaces reflecting regional circumstances. This review provides the most comprehensive overview of research on infectious diseases at the wildlife–livestock interface to date.

doi: 10.1073/PNAS.1422741112

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