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转移贴:How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper: 6th Edition









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发表于 2015-5-21 09:34:28 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
题目:How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper: 6th Edition
3 C3 a( ^6 D( T5 @" }; e原作者:whw1980% Q& y9 X) V! {9 z
( M# N4 ~$ V9 M; `
Day, Robert A. and Gastel, Barbara) h% J: M7 v/ G  `
+ q* w0 X" z+ z+ W
To be useful, scientific research needs to be explained clearly to others--to colleagues, to administrators, to foundations and governmental bodies, and to the public. This thoroughly revised edition of the classic How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper gives beginning scientists and experienced researchers alike practical advice on writing about their work and publishing what they write. The core of the book consists of a "how-to" guide to writing and publishing research articles for scientific journals, explaining every step of the process, from choosing a suitable journal for your work to presenting the results and citing references. In addition to the information on writing for scientific journals, this book provides additional advice for the scientist of the 21st century: - What ethical issues are important in scientific publishing? - What should a scientist know about rights and permissions? - How does a scientist write a grant proposal, or prepare progress reports for administrators? - What should a scientist know to work well with the media, or to write for a general audience? All of this practical information makes How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper the essential guide that scientists need for succeeding in the competitive environment of today. Outside North America, a cloth edition is available through Greenwood International UK and a paperback edition through Cambridge University Press UK. " `! K! }$ a- S) c% S. S! T$ i
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[ 本帖最后由 hans 于 2008-1-24 17:02 编辑
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+ Q0 }. A; q; i! ~" f目录: 7 @; \- }/ S1 _( d3 R7 g
4 m9 G  b. V6 S3 mA Word to International Readers # L# _; Y: T4 `% S
Some Preliminaries
  U; K6 k9 t% p6 b% C1 XWhat Is Scientific Writing? 8 u. N) _  O+ v. ]2 _
Historical Perspectives : z0 k. F2 m6 ^5 |; \
Approaching a Writing Project
5 k6 a' j# n2 ?9 EWhat Is a Scientific Paper?
: O/ {2 }% p# Z3 d8 VEthics in Scientific Publishing
2 D' s5 W& ~4 p) _/ Z7 nWhere to Submit Your Manuscript
6 H9 P4 i: M: K* l' `, KPreparing the Text
" k  M6 o6 x& y/ [4 W5 vHow to Prepare the Title
0 G$ j: z2 `7 L0 ^& sHow to List the Authors and Addresses
# t) x  D; v; p# }, q$ tHow to Prepare the Abstract & L2 h0 e9 U1 ?* Q8 K9 e* e3 g( _
How to Write the Introduction
) i* y% |7 ^: j6 I$ vHow to Write the Materials and Methods Section
$ V  ?/ }, K: _How to Write the Results ( I  N4 I4 V. S& a
How to Write the Discussion * V: B- X* n; r+ K4 B5 y
How to State the Acknowledgments
8 D# M8 H8 k% ?, ]0 h4 ^How to Cite the References * K& |+ p  a; X# I3 L) [4 M2 ^
Preparing the Tables and Figures 5 R, E, i! j7 d2 b: B0 W
How to Design Effective Tables
, c0 W) U1 n8 A* O% YHow to Prepare Effective Graphs ) v) W& J2 G  }4 M7 o9 ?1 M1 o
How to Prepare Effective Photographs 8 i6 d6 o8 F+ {$ j, [3 V( L
Publishing the Paper
- U7 s% U: w" i' rRights and Permissions # `4 Q" v) M$ F7 J
How to Submit the Manuscript
* `  h% ~6 r, c# `) n( S" JThe Review Process (How to Deal with Editors)
) \2 a! \/ }# s" |The Publishing Process (How to Deal with Proofs) % F: R+ @9 L9 a2 W5 B- S' B  X
Doing Other Writing for Publication
5 o. s3 _3 F& x; J. FHow to Write a Review Paper 7 U' R4 Q4 ^: x' y
How to Write Opinion (Book Reviews, Editorials, and Letters to the Editor) ( v% e! P2 J  S  I
How to Write a Book Chapter or a Book
9 Z. b9 V; ]; \$ M0 I( OHow to Write for the Public 4 m% p. g! g/ E; ], G, F5 ?
Conference Communications - i5 ?' N/ R% [4 ?% y7 W' U) Y
How to Present a Paper Orally % S. O( h; ?3 Z
How to Prepare a Poster
% _! q3 p8 S, w8 IHow to Write a Conference Report
" B2 b& n7 q$ GScientific Style   D, r2 U" E, Z/ k5 v/ E$ D4 T
Use and Misuse of English
! x9 T& d7 r$ V0 H8 M! F7 BAvoiding Jargon ! T0 I  j5 v2 ^* M! x4 W2 w
How and When to Use Abbreviations . T8 S5 ~6 V; W8 y/ X; ?# f3 D
Writing Clearly Across Cultures and Media 2 Y6 P3 S# C$ b2 I1 Q, V8 L
How to Write Science in English as a Foreign Language
! Z: {; O+ C' \/ R8 W$ @  AOther Topics in Scientific Communication : t" R! t" ?$ _4 T
How to Write a Thesis
1 y: o+ v) |7 t; V5 WHow to Prepare a Curriculum Vitae 8 x; U& v; K( W4 g) m* {& o
How to Prepare Grant Proposals and Progress Reports
" ]  }9 f9 H& J3 A6 G. u  PHow to Write a Recommendation Letter-and How to Ask for One ! I. ~) s3 I) j7 H+ D& g" Q9 q
How to Work with the Media
, _% j7 `1 T7 q' G, {1 dHow to Provide Peer Review
* \8 w3 |' o" d) ]4 uHow to Seek a Scientific-Communication Career
( D" N. X9 d0 C8 y3 L5 \: X+ dAppendix 1
9 D; M  m3 `2 l* zSelected Journal Title Word Abbreviations . N$ X0 V( u! u
Appendix 2
7 g0 H2 D( [+ b( c! pWords and Expressions to Avoid
" G; E9 b$ O$ w3 {' @Appendix 3
5 O; f' R& A# M. dPrefixes and Abbreviations for SI (Système International) Units
" H: p9 K) B% s# T$ f) VGlossary of Technical Terms
- K' ^5 t9 w1 M$ A+ E0 C# MReferences ) b+ a- }& s. {9 y7 e: h
Index. u: F/ ]3 H! M1 |5 m
4 L- L/ T3 @4 G2 m1 a4 k


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