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Cell Host & Microbe:KSHV抗机体免疫新机制

查看数: 1988 | 评论数: 2 | 收藏 0
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发布时间: 2015-8-30 20:21


当DNA病毒感染宿主细胞时,其基因组DNA会被细胞内的DNA感受器cGAS识别,随后催化合成第二信使cGAMP,cGAMP通过与STING蛋白结合经信号转导激活Ⅰ型干扰素,从而启动机体的抗病毒免疫反应。 近日,来自佛罗里达州立 ...


dangerdan 发表于 2015-8-31 16:07:52
正在看  虽然有点难懂
ipsvirus 发表于 2015-8-30 20:22:20
Inhibition of cGAS DNA Sensing by a Herpesvirus Virion Protein

Jian-jun Wu, Wenwei Li, Yaming Shao, Denis Avey, Bishi Fu, Joseph Gillen, Travis Hand, Siming Ma, Xia Liu, Wendell Miley, Andreas Konrad, Frank Neipel, Michael Stürzl, Denise Whitby, Hong Li, Fanxiu Zhu

•KSHV ORF52 prevents cGAS DNA sensing by directly inhibiting cGAS enzymatic activity
•The inhibition of cGAS by ORF52 requires binding to both DNA and cGAS
•The inhibition of cGAS by ORF52 is conserved among gammaherpesviruses
•KSHV can elicit cGAS-dependent immune responses that are counteracted by ORF52

Invading viral DNA can be recognized by the host cytosolic DNA sensor, cyclic GMP-AMP (cGAMP) synthase (cGAS), resulting in production of the second messenger cGAMP, which directs the adaptor protein STING to stimulate production of type I interferons (IFNs). Although several DNA viruses are sensed by cGAS, viral strategies targeting cGAS are virtually unknown. We report here that Kaposi’s sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) ORF52, an abundant gammaherpesvirus-specific tegument protein, subverts cytosolic DNA sensing by directly inhibiting cGAS enzymatic activity through a mechanism involving both cGAS binding and DNA binding. Moreover, ORF52 homologs in other gammaherpesviruses also inhibit cGAS activity and similarly bind cGAS and DNA, suggesting conserved inhibitory mechanisms. Furthermore, KSHV infection evokes cGAS-dependent responses that can limit the infection, and an ORF52 null mutant exhibits increased cGAS signaling. Our findings reveal a mechanism through which gammaherpesviruses antagonize host cGAS DNA sensing.



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