
标题: Nat Neurosci:什么?爱情也会上瘾? [打印本页]

作者: ipsvirus    时间: 2017-2-27 20:44
标题: Nat Neurosci:什么?爱情也会上瘾?

在自然的环境下,动物们必须平衡它们在食物、安全以及生殖方面的需求。外界的信号,例如声音以及气味等,都会起到调节社交活动的作用,但同时内在的荷尔蒙水平也会起到调节的作用。外界的信息与内在的信息是如何整合成为完整的信号通路,这一机制尚不明确。如今,来自北卡大学的McHenry揭示了性激素是如何调节并增强社交活动的。相关研究结果发表在《nature neuroscience》杂志上。






作者: ipsvirus    时间: 2017-2-27 20:45
Hormonal gain control of a medial preoptic area social reward circuit
Jenna A McHenry, James M Otis, Mark A Rossi, J Elliott Robinson, Oksana Kosyk, Noah W Miller, Zoe A McElligott, Evgeny A Budygin, David R Rubinow & Garret D Stuber

Neural networks that control reproduction must integrate social and hormonal signals, tune motivation, and coordinate social interactions. However, the neural circuit mechanisms for these processes remain unresolved. The medial preoptic area (mPOA), an essential node for social behaviors, comprises molecularly diverse neurons with widespread projections. Here we identify a steroid-responsive subset of neurotensin (Nts)-expressing mPOA neurons that interface with the ventral tegmental area (VTA) to form a socially engaged reward circuit. Using in vivo two-photon imaging in female mice, we show that mPOANts neurons preferentially encode attractive male cues compared to nonsocial appetitive stimuli. Ovarian hormone signals regulate both the physiological and cue-encoding properties of these cells. Furthermore, optogenetic stimulation of mPOANts–VTA circuitry promotes rewarding phenotypes, social approach and striatal dopamine release. Collectively, these data demonstrate that steroid-sensitive mPOA neurons encode ethologically relevant stimuli and co-opt midbrain reward circuits to promote prosocial behaviors critical for species survival.

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