Fig. 1 The monomeric structure of ZIKV helicase. (A) Size-exclusion chromatograms of ZIKV helicase. The molecular masses of protein standards are indicated at the top. (B) The overall structure of ZIKV helicase with the three domains colored and labeled respectively. (C) A cartoon diagram illustrating of the overall fold with potential RNA binding site and NTPase active site labelled. (D) Structure-based phylogenetic tree of 8 viral helicase structures from the Flaviviradae family using the program SHP
天津大学的研究团队成功解析了了寨卡病毒解旋酶1.8埃的晶体结构,揭示了该酶在原子分辨率水平的关键特征,这一研究成果以The Crystal Structure of Zika Virus Helicase: Basis for Antiviral Drug Design为题于2016年5月12日在线发表在Protein & Cell杂志上。这一高分辨率药靶的结构解析为科研工作者开发治疗寨卡病毒的临床药物奠定了重要的理论基础。该研究得到国家科技部“973”项目的资助。
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