近日,科学家在《PLOS ONE》杂志上表示,一种神秘的病毒可能是原发性不孕的罪魁祸首,该病毒可通过唾液传播。
通过子宫内膜活检,研究人员发现43%的原发性不孕女性携带HHV-6A 基因,但在成功妊娠的女性中并未发现HHV-6A 基因。此外,在两组女性子宫内膜活检中均未发现HHV-6B基因,但在外周血单个核细胞中检测到了HHV-6B基因。与未被HHV-6A感染的不孕女性相比,被HHV-6A感染的不孕女性子宫内膜特殊CD56brightCD16- NK细胞的百分比更低,但子宫内膜NK细胞应答更强。
曾研究该病毒的美国哈佛大学Anthony Komaroff教授对此表示感慨,他认为这是一项惊人的发现,如果被证实,那么将大大改善女性的不孕现状。
HHV-6感染的实验室检测方法包括采集患者的唾液、器官分泌物或外周血单核细胞分离培养病毒、PCR技术检测病毒DNA以及ELISA法检测血清中特异性IgM 及IgG抗体等。目前各国对HHV-6感染尚无有效的特异性防治措施。(来源:生物探索)
Presence of HHV-6A in Endometrial Epithelial Cells from Women with Primary Unexplained Infertility.
Marci R,Gentili V,Bortolotti D,Lo Monte G,Caselli E,Bolzani S,Rotola A,Di Luca D,Rizzo R PLoS One. 2016 Jul 1;11(7):e0158304. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0158304. eCollection 2016.
Abstract:To elucidate the roles of human herpesvirus (HHV)-6 primary unexplained infertile women, a prospective randomized study was conducted on a cohort of primary unexplained infertile women and a cohort of control women, with at least one successful pregnancy. HHV-6 DNA was analyzed and the percentage and immune-phenotype of resident endometrial Natural Killer (NK) cells, as the first line of defense towards viral infections, was evaluated in endometrial biopsies. Cytokine levels in uterine flushing samples were analyzed. HHV-6A DNA was found in 43% of endometrial biopsies from primary unexplained infertile women, but not in control women. On the contrary, HHV-6B DNA was absent in endometrial biopsies, but present in PBMCs of both cohorts. Endometrial NK cells presented a different distribution in infertile women with HHV6-A infection compared with infertile women without HHV6-A infection. Notably, we observed a lower percentage of endometrial specific CD56brightCD16- NK cells. We observed an enhanced HHV-6A-specific endometrial NK cell response in HHV-6A positive infertile women, with a marked increase in the number of endometrial NK cells activating towards HHV-6A infected cells. The analysis of uterine flushing samples showed an increase in IL-10 levels and a decrease of IFN-gamma concentrations in infertile women with HHV6-A infection. Our study indicates, for the first time, that HHV-6A infection might be an important factor in female unexplained infertility development, with a possible role in modifying endometrial NK cells immune profile and ability to sustain a successful pregnancy.