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发表于 2016-3-27 09:39:18
1798 Cowpox lesions used to vaccinate against smallpox (Jenner)
1882 Transmission of tobacco mosaic disease with cell-free extracts (Mayer)
1885 Development of rabies vaccine (Pasteur, Roux)
1892 Description of filterable infectious agent (TMV) (Ivanovsky)
1898 Development of concept of virus as contagious element (TMV) (Beijerinck)
Discovery of first animal virus (FMDV) (Loeffler, Frosch)
1901 Discovery of first human virus (yellow fever virus) (Reed)
1903 Discovery of rabies virus (Remlinger, Riffat-Bay)
1908 Discovery of first leukemia-causing virus (Ellerman, Bang)
1909 Discovery of poliovirus (Landsteiner, Popper)
1911 Discovery of first solid tumor virus (RSV) (Rous)
Discovery of measles virus (Goldberger, Anderson)
1913 Virus cultivation in tissue culture (VV) (Steinhardt, Lambert)
1915 Discovery of bacterial viruses (bacteriophages) (Twort, d’He´relle)
1917 Development of the plaque assay and discovery of the particulate nature of viruses (bacteriophage) (d’He´relle)
1931 Propagation of virus in embryonated chicken eggs (Woodruff, Goodpasture)
1932 Discovery of first mammalian tumor virus (MMTV) (Little, Bittner)
1933 Discovery of human influenza virus (Smith)
Discovery of rabbit papillomavirus (Shope)
First description of viral mutants (TMV) (Jensen)
1934 Discovery that bacteriophages are composed of protein and nucleic acids (Schlesinger)
1935 Crystallization of TMV (Stanley)
1938 Development of yellow fever vaccine (Theiler)
Use of electron microscopy for viruses (TMV) (von Borries, Ruska, Ruska)
1939 Description of one-step growth cycle (bacteriophage) (Ellis, Delbru¨ck)
1941 Discovery of first virus-associated enzymes (influenza virus) (Hirst)
1943 Discovery of genetic origins of mutations (bacteriophage) (Luria, Delbruck)
1945 Development of influenza vaccine (Francis)
1946 Discovery of genetic recombination by bacteriophage (Delbruck)
Replication of poliovirus in nonneuronal cell cultures (Enders, Weller, Robbins
Discovery of eclipse phase of virus infection (bacteriophage) (Doermann)
1951 Discovery of bacteriophage (E. Lederberg)
Discovery that lysogenic phages produce diphtheria toxin (Freeman)
1952 Plaque assay of animal virus (poliovirus) (Dulbecco)
Discovery that viral genome is nucleic acid (Hershey, Chase)
Transduction of genetic information by bacteriophage (Zinder, J. Lederberg)
1953 Discovery of host-controlled restriction and modification (Luria, Bertani, Weigle)
1954 Development of polio vaccines (Salk, Sabin)
1955 Culture of human cells (HeLa) (Gey)
Optimization of cell growth medium (Eagle)
Definition of a gene (cis-trans test) (bacteriophage) (Benzer)
In vitro assembly of infectious virus (TMV) (Fraenkel-Conrat, Williams)
1956 Discovery of mRNA in bacteriophage infection (Volkin, Astrachan, Brenner, Jacob, Meselson)
Discovery that virus particles are composed of identical subunits (Watson, Crick)
Discovery that RNA can carry genetic information (TMV) (Schramm, Fraenkel-Conrat, Williams)
1957 Discovery of interferon (Isaacs, Lindemann)
Discovery of respiratory syncytial virus (Chanock)
1958 Discovery of bacteriophage regulation paradigm (Pardee, Jacob, Monod, Lwoff)
1960 Discovery of SV40 (Sweet and Hilleman)
Demonstration of the triplet nature of the genetic code (bacteriophage) (Crick)
Elucidation of nonsense codons (bacteriophage) (Campbell, Epstein, Bernstein)
1962 Studies of virus structure (Klug, Caspar)
1964 Demonstration of the colinearity of gene with polypeptide chain (bacteriophage) (Brenner)
Discovery of first human tumor virus (EBV) (Epstein, Barr, Burkitt)
1965 Autocatalytic in vitro synthesis of bacteriophage DNA (Spiegelman)
1966 Experimental transmission of spongiform encephalopathy to primates (kuru) (Gajdusek, Gibbs, Hadlow)
1967 Discovery of hepatitis B virus (Blumberg)
Isolation of bacteriophage repressor (Ptashne)
Discovery of viroids (Diener)
Discovery of first virion-associated polymerase (VV) (McAuslan, Kates)
1970 Discovery of retroviral reverse transcriptase (Temin, Baltimore)
1971 Discovery of RNA polyadenylation (Darnell, Edmonds)
1972 Development of first recombinant DNA molecules (phage , SV40) (Berg)
Proposal that reassortment of influenza virus segments is the origin of pandemic strains (Webster, Laver)
1973 Development of first restriction map (SV40) (Nathans)
Discovery of major histocompatibility locus restriction of viral antigen recognition (Doherty, Zinkernagel)
Discovery of human rotavirus (R. Bishop)
1974 Development of first transgenic mouse (SV40) (Mintz)
1975 Discovery of mRNA capping (Shatkin, Moss)
1976 First RNA virus genome sequenced (bacteriophage MS2) (Fiers)
Demonstration that retroviral oncogenes are derived from cells (J. M. Bishop, Varmus)
1977 First DNA virus genomes sequenced (X174, SV40) (Sanger, Fiers, Weissman)
Discovery of RNA splicing (adenovirus) (Roberts, Sharp)
Discovery of tumor suppressor p53 (SV40) (Levine, Crawford)
Description of first virus crystal structure (TBSV) (Harrison)
1978 Development of the first infectious molecular clone of an RNA virus (Qbeta, Weissmann)
1979 Declaration of smallpox eradication by World Health Organization
First in vitro replication of eukaryotic viral DNA (adenovirus, SV40) (Kelly, Hurwitz, Stillman)
Development of first in vitro mRNA transcription system (adenovirus) (Roeder)
Discovery of first highly active, template-specific, RNA-dependent RNA polymerase from a eukaryotic source
(BMV) (Hall)
Discovery of tyrosine kinases (Hunter, Erikson, Eckhart)
1980 Discovery of first human retrovirus (HTLV-1) (Gallo)
1981 Development of first infectious molecular clones of an animal RNA virus (poliovirus) (Baltimore)
Discovery of transcriptional enhancers (Chambon, Khoury, Schaffner)
Development of hepatitis B virus vaccine
Identification of mammalian transcription factors (MMTV, SV40) (Yamamoto, Tjian)
Discovery of insertional activation of cellular oncogenes by retroviruses (Hayward, Astrin)
Identification of polyadenylation signal (Shenk)
Discovery of the Cre/lox recombination system in phage P1 (Sternberg)
1982 Development of antiviral and other drugs (Elion, Hitchings)
Definition of prions (Prusiner)
1983 High-risk human papillomaviruses identified and linked to cervical cancer (zur Hausen)
Discovery of AIDS virus (HIV) (Montagnier, Barre-Sinoussi, Gallo)
1984 Discovery of nuclear localization signals (Smith, Butel)
Production of first infectious, multicomponent virus from cloned DNA (BMV) (Ahlquist)
1986 Development of first recombinant viral vaccine (hepatitis B virus)
Generation of transgenic virus-resistant plants (TMV) (Beachy)
Discovery of hammerhead ribozymes (TRSV, ASV) (Bruening, Symons)
1988 Discovery that DNA virus oncogene products bind cellular tumor suppressor proteins (adenovirus, SV40,
HPV) (Harlow, Weinberg, Livingston, Howley)
Development of first ribozyme with engineered specificity (Haseloff)
Discovery of internal ribosome entry sites (poliovirus) (Wimmer, Sonenberg)
1989 Discovery of hepatitis C virus (Houghton)
1990 Development of first human gene therapy with a retrovirus vector (Anderson, Blaese)
1991 Discovery of viral antiapoptotic proteins (baculovirus) (Miller)
1995 Development of HAART treatment for AIDS
1998 Discovery of gene silencing by double-stranded RNA, an antiviral response (Fire, Mello)
Use of plant virion for synthesis of nanoparticles (Young)
Discovery that plant viruses encode suppressors of RNAi (Vance, Baulcombe)
2001 Discovery of the caveosome (SV40) (Helenius)
2002 Worldwide outbreak and containment of SARS
2005 Reconstruction and sequencing of the 1918 influenza virus genome (Palese, Garcia-Sastre, Tumpey,
2006 Development of vaccine against human papillomavirus, the first vaccine designed to prevent human cancer